Morning drive from Chandigarh to Kasauli. On reaching Kasauli check-in-to the hotel. Kasauli, unlike other popular hill stations in Himachal, is a quiet town. It is ideal for people who want to spend a holiday in the midst of green hills and untouched natural beauty.
Kasauli was also developed by the British, just as Shimla was. It is at a height of 6500 feet, making it a very delightful hill station for summers. If you wish to see the beautiful blessings of Nature, then Kasauli is just the place for you. It has great vantage points, waterfalls and lush green hills. There are a number of Tibetan stalls, which sell woollen wear but one has to bargain a bit. You can also get little souvenirs and gift items made of wood. Overnight stay at Kasauli